Engineering an Empire
Tv-serien: Engineering an Empire

Engineering an Empire

Engineering an Empire is a program on The History Channel that explores the engineering and/or architectural feats that were characteristic of some of the greatest societies on this planet. It is hosted by Peter Weller, famous for his acting role as RoboCop but also a lecturer at Syracuse University, where he completed his Master's in Roman and Renaissance Art. The executive producer is Delores Gavin. The show started as a documentary about the engineering feats of Ancient Rome and later evolved into a series. It originally ran for one full season of weekly episodes.

Om tv-serien
  • Längd: 90 minuter
  • Serien har avslutats
  • 78% gillar TV-serien

Om Engineering an Empire

Dyk ner i historiens mest fascinerande civilisationer med 'Engineering an Empire', en gripande dokumentärserie som hade premiär 2005. Genom 14 avsnitt, varje omkring 90 minuter långa, utforskar serien människans arkitektoniska bedrifter från antikens Egypten till det mäktiga Romarriket. Serien leds av Peter Weller, känd från både film och akademi, som agerar värd och guide. Tillsammans med Michael Carroll, vars berättarröst för samman historiens sidor, bjuds tittarna på en resa genom tid och rum. Trots att serien endast sträckte sig över en säsong och sedan avslutades, lämnar 'Engineering an Empire' ett bestående intryck med sin detaljrika skildring av hur ingenjörskonst formade världshistorien.


  • Peter Weller

    Himself / Host

  • Michael Carroll


Senaste inspelade avsnittet

Da Vinci's World

2007-01-08 | avsnitt 14

After the fall of Rome, Italy fell into a dark sleep, and wasn't reawakened until the 11th century. Autonomous city-states emerged and these tiny republics began to revitalize their cities and build on a massive level not witnessed since the rise of Rome. In the late 15th and 16th centuries, alliances among various city-states continually shifted as foreign superpowers tried to sink their claws into Italy. The masters who are best known for creating the works of art and architecture of the Renaissance, were also the greatest military and civil engineers of the time.

Säsonger för Engineering an Empire

  • Säsong 1

    Säsong 1

    2005 | 14 avsnitt

  • Specials

    | 5 avsnitt


  • Dokumentär